Friday 18 February 2011

My first blog! (:

Okay, so this is my first blog!
I know its very late but I have my reasons! Firstly I got a bit stuck as to whether I wanted to carry on with sixth form or start again at college in September, you can see I decided to stay at sixth form and after a bit of help and support from teachers and friends I'm feeling so much more dedicated to my work! (: BUT...after I'd decided to come back to sixth form I got very ill and was unable to come in. So that is why my work is late! However I do intend on making the most of this half term to get caught up on all my work and make it as good as i possibly can (:

I'm quite excited for this unit in my media class as I think its quite creative. I'm not the type of person who can sit down and write for hours on end without getting distracted or bored so doing things on photoshop and going out to look at magazines etc is the kind of thing that I love to be doing! We've already been set our task which we will be working on for the rest of the year, we have to design and create a front cover, contents page and double spread page of a music magazine and blog everything we do that helps us to do the task! That means blogging all the magazines we analyse, images we edit on photoshop and the planning for our practice magazine and final magazine.
I must admit the thought of designing a magazine exactly to my tastes and how I would like it to be quite excites me! I've already been doing alot of thinking and I know exactly what I want my magazine to look like and what will be inside BUT I'll save that for later (;

Ciao for now!

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