Wednesday 23 March 2011

Nature Magazine

For our first assignment we had to design and create a nature magazine using photoshop. I found it quite difficult to use photoshop as I had never used it before but I soon learnt the very basics.

I came up with the idea for the title because ‘Al fresco’ means open air in Spanish. I thought this fit the criteria because nature is all about the outdoors and natural substances. It also sounds very crisp and I think it is catchy and something people will remember. The font I used for the title is crisp and fresh which also fit’s the brief for the nature magazine. Although I thought the title and the font I used went well with the specification I think I made it too big and it takes up too much space on the front cover.
The images I used is a picture of a waterfall which is very natural but I think there I too much going on in the image. It I quite distracting and because there is so many different colours in it I couldn’t place and text over it because you wouldn’t be able to read it properly.
The cover lines I put on the cover were both about nature. They are about different types of nature which would attract different people so I would have a wider range of readers but at the same time they fit the brief.
I placed the barcode where it could be seen easily by the customers and they people scanning it in a shop. However because the top part of the magazine is too plain it looks like it I just hanging there and draws too much attention away from everything else. I priced the magazine at £3.99 because it would be a monthly magazine which is high quality and packed full of information.

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