Wednesday 30 March 2011

School Magazine

This is the finished copy of the front cover for the school magazine that I designed.

The colour I chose for the background I a light blue. I chose this because it’s a bright colour which I thought would attract people to read the magazine. I also made it that colour so I could blend it in with the colour of the sky on the image so the magazine cover wouldn’t put to ‘put together’. 
I chose the image of the school ground because it is relevant and I thought it would represent the school well. It makes people see the school as a clean, bright, happy and peaceful place to be. I had to edit the photo quite a bit on Photoshop to get it that way a originally the background of the image was very cloudy and looked quite miserable.
To improve the front cover of my school magazine I would change the colours. I would make the colours red and yellow because they are the schools colours so it would look more like it was made for St Marks school and not just any magazine. I would also put another image on there and a few more cover lines to make it look more busy as I think it looks quite plain. I would also include the fact that it is a free magazine to attract more people to read it.

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